malware analysis
Project Sodinokibi
Malware Bazaar and VirusTotal platforms revealed some interesting insights into who manages Sodinokibi, from the perspective of incident response.
malware analysis
Malware Bazaar and VirusTotal platforms revealed some interesting insights into who manages Sodinokibi, from the perspective of incident response.
malware analysis
My own reverse engineering of a WannaCry sample.
malware analysis
In this post we continue the analysis of the Pony sample.
malware analysis
In this post we go further into the analysis of the sample unpacked in the previous part.
malware analysis
During my day by day job, I had the chance to came across a mail that was blocked by an antispam platform. Attached to this mail there was a sample recognized as a variant of Pony Stealer malware. Since I've been greatly interested into malware analysis in the